Cargo Trading Of Physical Comodities

We are sourcing, trading, transporting, and financing crude oil, petroleum products, metals, and coal around the world. Our goal is to perform physical trades swiftly, to ensure profitability, cost-efficiency, and to satisfy counterparties with quality products in a reliable manner. We ensure long-term strategic partnerships, through our sustainability and future growth. Expertise and experience, in each one of our core businesses, provide us with a competitive advantage.

Crude Oil:

Punta has over 60 years of combined trading background and experience.

Punta begun diversifying its physical crude oil books with dirty and clean products. Our energy trading interest and focus is mainly around Latin America, South-East Asia, and Africa. Our objective is to expand and strengthen our presence worldwide, securing alliances and strategic partnerships.


Punta has developed a B2B concept for trading metals, purchasing at source, and selling to end users:

  • Aluminum scrap and billets from the Mediterranean to eastern Europe and Canada.
  • Steel trading flow to Asia and Western Europe
  • Nonferrous metals and ore flow from Africa to China


Punta is successfully developing reliable supply from sustainable sources in agricultural commodities, mostly in Cocoa and Coffee Grains from Latin American producers, as well as Beans from Asia to Europe.